Saturday, February 16, 2008

Overcoming One’s Emotions

Copyright © Lawren Smith

Master Internet Marketing For Less Than $10 Bucks

Since taking some time off, I have been having a difficult time getting back into my regular schedule. I still care very much about my business, but I guess I am still tired from my move. I continue working my schedule but my energy level is not there.

During times in which I am struggling with my emotions and/or energy, I start reading books that get me back on track. I am currently reading “Guide to Investing” by Robert Kiyosaki. It is an excellent book that discusses how the rich invest.

Reading this book has helped to keep things in perspective. Therefore, I have continued to work on my business despite my emotions.

Making Changes to Forum Posting:

I have started posting to forums again but there is one forum that I don’t feel comfortable posting to so I have replaced it with another forum. This particular forum is one that is geared specifically to women. We’ll see how this goes. The last women’s forum I participated in did not work out well. Many of the women seemed to have anger management problems. I am a business woman who is interested in growing a business. Therefore I am looking for a place that will support my efforts in trying to establish positive relationships with people who are about sharing and learning from others. I was not interested in being subjected to a negative environment, so I decided to move on. I hope this women’s forum supports my needs.

Updating the Social Networking Sites:

I am going to update all of my social networking sites, maybe join a few more, but I am going to make some changes to my personal information. I think the information I have included is a little too business-like. I will try to soften up the presentation of me. Having a business is about establishing relationships, it would possibly improve my relationship building capabilities if my blog is less professional and more personal.

Adding Pay-Per-Click Websites:

Another thing I have added to my marketing arsenal is pay-per-click websites. It is not Google. I am not yet ready to compete in the Google-world. This one pay-per-click site is on a much smaller scale than Google. It is called “”. I am paying $10.00 and I am using this site as a vehicle to help me improve my skill-sets in pay-per-click websites.

A while back, I purchased a training manual on how to use Google. I think I paid less than $5.00 (This includes shipping) to learn about creating keywords. I am going to put my research to the test and see what happens.

Once I start getting some good results, I will first try some other pay-per-click sites before venturing back to Google.

Changes in My Blogs – Modifying Keywords and Submitting to Search Engines

One last change I will make is to update the keywords in both of my blogs and submit my blogs to the three major search engines, MSN, Yahoo, and Google. I completed some research on submitting the blogs to the search engines and will be applying what I have learned to both my blogs.

Possibly, once things start working, I will post what I have learned to my blog.


As entrepreneurs, we are always learning. I have spent quite a bit of time doing research on different subject matters; such as, keywords and submitting blogs to search engines. I continue to do research on different topics that I feel will help me with my business. If you want to be an entrepreneur, learning is a requirement. You cannot and should not stop learning, ever.

As entrepreneurs, success can only come if one stays in action; meaning if one is persistent in their actions. Never let your emotions; especially when you are down, tired, or just don’t feel like working, prevent you from moving forward in your business.

These past two weeks have been quite difficult for me because I have been tired from my move, but here I am at almost 11:00 on a Saturday night working; and it looks like I am going to be up quite late because I don’t stop until the work gets done. Since I am the boss of my own company, there is no one driving me forward other than me. This is not my hobby and therefore I will not treat it as such. I treat my business like a business.

There will be many days when you don’t feel like working, so my suggestion is to find ways to overcome these emotions. Once you discover what helps you to overcome the emotions of being down or negative in any way, you can rely on them to help your work through your emotions and keep you in action and on track to growing your business.


Lawren Smith is a member of $9.97MakeMoneyNow and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:

Ridin' With The Purple Cowboys!
