Copyright © Lawren Smith
Purple Cowboy Marketing
Because I had spent a lot of time training others on how to setup their Veretekk account so that it is pulling in a lot of leads each day, last week my article focused on the topic of Veretekk.
This week I am going to focus my article on blogging. I have decided to focus my blog on this subject for the same reason I wrote an article on Veretekk. I have been training a number of people on how to create a blog.
I also want to mention that the tool I used to create my blog was blogger; therefore, I will be discussing some of the aspects of blogger. I chose blogger because I tried to use WordPress and discovered that the learning curve was too high. Since I did not have the time to spend going through the learning curve, I selected blogger and in doing so was able to create my first blog using blogger in half an hour.
Since I am new to network marketing, my article will be geared to others who are also new to network marketing and new to blogging. The more experienced bloggers may find this training to be boring. I am sorry. Although I believe that the materials in this training are good and useful, my suggestion is if you find it boring, it may not be worth your while to read the whole article.
What is a Blog?
Anyway, here it goes. First, what is the definition of a blog? According to, a weblog, which is usually a shortened to blog, is a web site where regular entries made (such as in a journal or diary) and presented in reverse chronological order. Blogs often offer commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although many focus on photographs, videos or audio. The word blog can be used as a verb, meaning adding an entry to a blog.
Create a Google Account:
To access blogger, you go to To create a Google Account,
- Enter your email address.
- Choose a password.
- Retype your password.
- Choose a display name, this will be displayed on all of your blogs.
- Type the word verification that is displayed on YOUR sign-up page.
- Check off the Accept Terms.
- After all is done, click continue.
Name Your Blog:
- Select a blog title that best fits your blog subject. This is only for your personal information for categorizing your blogs in your blogs account page.
- Select your blog address URL – This is what will appear in your url address you place in your internet browser. If you are creating a Dog Training blog, then try something like “dogtrainingmastery” as an example. So if you chose this as your blog address Url, your complete URL address would be This is how others will be able to access your blog web site.
- After all has been completed, click Continue.
Choose Your Template Layout:
You can choose from a variety of template layouts. This is how your blog will appear when someone clicks on it. After you finished your selection, click Continue. You will then be taken to a screen to start posting. Click on the Start Posting.
Posting To Your Blog:
Selecting a Title:
You first will need to select a title for your blog. For instance, if you are writing a blog on dog training, then you can select a title like “Dog Training Tips”. Thus, you use a very popular keyword for the search engine in you title. The search engines use this to index you for search results.
You can go to Google’s Keyword Tool ( for a keyword-selecting tool that will help you select popular keywords for your blog titiles. The site is Icon Interactive; you will type in a broad word and all related searches using that word are displayed with the number of times it has been searched on in a month’s period. Using our dog training as an example, you would type a search for “DOGS” or “DOG TRAINING” and find related search terms that are relevant to the subject you are searching. Don’t always choose the keywords that get searched the most, choose the ones that best fit your subject. You would see that DOGS gets searched 100 times more than DOG TRAINING, but Dogs would be too broad of a search term as compared to DOG TRAINING which is what you are typing your article about.
Once you have your Title, you can type out your article. Once you are satisfied with your blog, click on “Publish” to publish your blog to the Internet. After you have published your blog, you will be taken to a screen that says “Your blog post published successfully!”
Adding Meta Tags:
This is one of the most important parts of getting your blog indexed to the search engines. You want to add what is called meta tags to the html code of your blog. This will allow search engines; such as, Google, MSN, and Yahoo to properly read your blog.
The first thing is to edit the following Meta Tag BEFORE you insert it into your blog. I will use a meta tag for pctv blog.
{meta name="revisit-after" content="5 days"}{/meta}
{meta name="classification" content="Entertainment - Site"}{/meta}
{meta name="description" content="A review of pc tv services"}{/meta}
{meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE"}{/meta}
{meta name="keywords" content="watch tv on pc,tv for pc,watch tv on computer,tv for your pc"}{/meta}
{meta name="robots" content="FOLLOW"}{/meta}
{meta name="distribution" content="Global"}{/meta}
{meta name="rating" content="Safe For Kids"}{/meta}
{meta name="author" content="Purple Cowboys"}{/meta}
{meta http-equiv="reply-to" content=""}{/meta}
{meta name="language" content="English"}{/meta}
{meta name="doc-type" content="Public"}{/meta}
} is the same as >
"Description" - A brief description of your blog's subject.
"Keywords" - This is where you can add keywords that best fit your blog subject. Use the Icon Interactive tool to help you choose keywords. Add about 4-6 good keywords that really explain what your blog is about.
"Reply-To" - Add your e-mail address here
After you have edited this code to match your content, you insert this ENTIRE code into your blog as follows.
1st – Go to your Template Page again.
2nd – Click on Edit HTML
3rd – At the top of the page you will see the following codes
Copy and Paste the COMPLETE code you have edited between the following tags.
And above the:
} is the same as >
Changing Settings:
All of the default settings in are fine. There is only one setting you will neeed to change. The setting is to notify of any changes to your blogs. This helps to tell the search engines that postings have been made.
1. Go to “Settings” in for your blog.
2. Click on “Publishing”
3. Change Notify settings to YES.
4. Click ‘Save Settings”.
You are done setting up you blog. Remember to make new postings to you blog at least every month. You want to always Create NEW postings. This will add fresh content to your blogs and help index your blogs to the search engines much quicker. The postings after your original article do not have to be long. Your article can be just a paragraph in length.
Lawren Smith is a member of $9.97MakeMoneyNow and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Lawren recommends you visit:
Ridin' With The Purple Cowboys!
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