Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sick and Tired But I Keep Going

Copyright © Lawren Smith

Master Internet Marketing For Less Than $10 Bucks

This week I am seeing more people visiting my web site. I also had more people sign-up as a member of my business; so gradually it appears as if the business is growing even while I sleep.

I have been sick much of the week due to the severe change in weather here in Alabama. Two weeks the weather was cold; temperatures ranging from 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. Then we have two weeks of mid 70’s and even 80 degree weather. I felt my cold coming on and tried to fight it but by this past Thursday, I was not able to go to work.

One good thing did come out of this, I was able to remake the video I did covering the Purple Cowboy Marketing web site. It took three tries because two times the videos were more than ten minutes long. The third try was the charm. I uploaded it to YouTube and replaced the previous video with the new video.

Over the holidays, because I will be taking some time out from work, I plan on creating maybe one or two more videos covering other aspects of my business.

New Lens in Squidoo, Invites to New Leads in DirectMatches and AdlandPro:

I also created another lens in Squidoo for the Gano Excel business. I focused the lens on the topic of weight loss. Just to let you know, drinking Gano Excel’s coffee and tea makes you feel full. What the company is telling perspective customers is that by drinking the coffee or tea about 30 minutes prior to eating a meal will cut back on your appetite and thus cause you to eat less. I can validate this. I have noticed that when I drink the Gano coffee, I am not as hungry and this symptom will last for a while. I drink a lot of Gano’s coffee and hot chocolate because I am always so tired and it helps to energize me.

In Squidoo, you can join specific groups. For the Purple Cowboy Squidoo lens, I joined many of the business opportunity and work from home groups. For the Gano Excel Squidoo lens, I joined the health and fitness groups I am not sure what kind of results I will get by doing this. I guess over time, I will see.

I have mentioned most of the important events that took place within my business this week. I still continue to do my forum postings and sending out invites to new people in DirectMatches and AdlandPro.

The Power of Veretekk:

I used Veretekk to do some marketing for my business. For those who are not familiar with Veretekk, it is a site that has the capabilities to increase the number of visitors to your web site. This is because it has tools that, as a member, you can use that will help reach tons of people. Veretekk is another additional stream of income within Purple Cowboy Marketing. This is how I found out about it. It is a wonderful site and has so much capabilities, many of which I still don’t know because it is so massive. I still have a lot to learn about it. Because of the lack of time, I still have not learned all there is to know about Veretekk.

What I do know about Veretekk is that it does have a great marketing system, but it also has a great training system. There are trainers that train you on different subjects; such as trainings on, Forum Postings,tips on generating more premium leads, and uploading 1000 leads from your FFA to name a few. You can watch these trainings online. You can also use Veretekk to train your group. I have access to one of the classrooms through Purple Cowboy Marketing. I have not used it yet, but as my business continues to grow, I can see myself training many of the people in my group. In fact, I look forward to it.

As I learn more about Veretekk I will share the information on my blog. I plan on creating a video on the Veretekk web site. But, this won’t happen until I learn more about the site and 997MakeMoneyNow is supposed to start having trainings about how to use it soon.


That is it for now. Not much else going on, but I am excited about what is happening within 997MakeMoneyNow as well as within my business. I am seeing a lot of growth within me and many other people are starting to notice. So, until next time, keep up the work. It is well worth the effort.

About the Author:


Lawren Smith is a member of $9.97MakeMoneyNow and writes on a variety of subjects.
To learn more about this topic and more, Lawren recommends you visit:

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