This past week, I have added another method of marketing to help market my network marketing business. I have started creating online videos using screen capturing software; such as, CamStudio. This software was easy to use and very useful, and it is free. If you are interested in using it to create an online video, go to:
CamStudio Software Download
Recently, I was informed that TechSmith is allowing individuals to download Camtasia 3.1 for free. I am not sure how long this will be available, but for those who are interested in downloading it, here is one location where you can get it for free:
Camtasia Studio 3 - Now Available for Free Download
Camtasia is very easy to install. Just double-click on the executable file and accept all the defaults. After the install is complete, you are ready to go.
Camtasia is software that lets you record anything on screen. What this means is, if you want to walk someone through a web site or a software application, Camtasia makes a perfect full motion recording of your screen. You just choose what you want to record, and Camtasia Studio does the rest. It records you screen, your mouse, you voice, and even camera videos. Camtasia also make it easy to record Power Point presentations.
You can edit your recordings by cutting out sections you don’t need and emphasizing the things that you do need. When you are ready to share, you can publish your recordings in all kinds of video formats so that everybody can view it. It is easy to use and almost all of the Fortune 500 companies use it.
Below are instructions on how to first setup Camtasia Studio 3.1, record, and then edit and produce your video. Let’s get started.
- Start>All Programs>Camtasia Studio 3>Camtasia Studio. If the wizard opens, close it. Select “Record the Screen” from the Task List on the left-hand side of the screen. Close the Wizard again. Capture>Fixed Region. 785 x 420 is maximum size for 800 x 600 resolution (leaving a 30 pixel region for captioning). Deselect the “Fixed starting point” box. This will allow you to drop the capture window where you need it. Click OK.
- Effects>Cursor>Highlights>Clicks.
- Capture>Record>Audio.
- Tools>Options>Hotkeys>The Record/Pause Hotkey. The standard is to set the F1 key of this option, but you can select whatever key you prefer. If you need to capture something that is outside of your capture region, pause the recording, move the window to the capture area of the screen, and hit pause again to keep going.
- Tools>Options>Streams>Auto-configure should be checked. Click “Audio Setup” and make sure that the format is PCM and the settings are 44.100 kHz,16 bit mono at 86 kb/sec. Click OK. Also, to record from your computer’s microphone, under the audio capture device, set to “Use default recording device”.
- Tools>Options>Capture tab-select “Pause before starting capture” and “Capture layered window”. Deselect “Minimize before starting capture”. Under “Performance Options” select “Disable display acceleration during capture”. Click OK on the warning, then OK again.
- Note: Refrain from using the other settings; such as zoom, panning, and sound effects. They often do not encode well and can annoy the user.
- Create a folder under Documents and Settings. It helps to use a sequential numbering system for your files, as well as a logical name that pertains to what you are recording.
- Be sure to repeatedly test your video recording. All of your settings need to be tested to make sure you are capturing at least 10 to 15 frames per second. Make sure your audio is loud and clear. Once you are done recording, you will use Camtasia Studio to edit and produce your video.
- Click on the round red Record button in Camtasia Recorder. Green corners will appear on a floating window. Move the window to the region you want to capture and click to set the region. Hit F1, or whatever key you set as your Pause/Record hotkey, and begin recording.
- Minimizing the screen real estate can be important. Don’t capture what you don’t need.
- Filenames are also important. If you have more than one video on the same subject matter, numbering systems are helpful. For example, video1, video2, and video3 can save you a lot of trouble.
- When you are finished recording, you can click on the stop button.
- You are now ready to edit and publish your video. You are now ready to edit and publish your video, but I won't go through the steps at this time. I have not had a chance to test the additional features of Camtasia, but once I do, I will explain all of the steps in another blog.
ok thx that is useful
Good job, Lawren!
Somehow you make me feel that females do a much better job, especially with details like these.
Frankly, I'm impressed!
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